Start the journey to the smile of your dreams!

Small steps make big results: Day by day your smile changes, but not your lifestyle!

Aligners are transparent dental appliances made of a special plastic material, produced with the help of 3D technology and intended for bite correction in adults and children from 6 years old.

Aligners are made individually for you and fit tightly to the teeth so that they are barely to feel in the mouth.

The material of which the aligners are made is completely transparent, flexible and has a layer thickness of 0.75 mm.

The material is hypoallergenic, so it does not cause allergies, and has good shape stability, so it exerts gentle pressure on the teeth and moves them step by step in the required direction.

You can easily remove aligners, clean your teeth or eat , and then put them on back. Treatment with aligners is almost painless and suitable even during pregnancy.

Based on the instructions given by the dentist, we plan the complete alignment of the teeth and the bite correction with the help of a 3D program. During the planning it will be decided how many aligners are necessary until you achieve your ideal smile.

Of course, you can view the treatment plan and decide if you agree with it or if you want to make some changes. Only then will we begin producing your aligners. We will send them to your dentist and you will be invited and shown how to set the first aligner.

Which cases do we treat?

Fill in the following form with your information and we will put you in contact with an orthodontist near your area, who will evaluate your smile and help you enter the FlexiLigner world.

If you already have a trusted doctor, tell us who he is. We’ll get in touch with your doctor and make sure to work together for your smile.